The Architect’s New Clothes

The Architect’s New Clothes

photo credit: Jeff Sheldon on Unsplash

Many years ago…well let’s be real, this isn’t a story about swindlers nor is it about an architect who paraded around his office in invisible clothes, as the title may imply. It’s a tale about the path to rebranding and redesigning Design42 in both web and print media.

It’s been a long journey, but it is with great pleasure that I have the privilege to announce our new logo and website branding. We have delayed this moment many times, mainly because we have been extremely focused on growing our business and ensuring our clients' happiness. In the interim, which was about 10 years, our website grew from a single “under construction” webpage to a slightly different “website coming soon” design and about 2 additional iterations of each. They were easy to set up and each time we relocated our office it seemed to be the perfect opportunity to update the website.

Finally, we re-staffed in 2013 and with that afforded the opportunity to develop a new look. We decided that for efficiency, we would use WordPress to create our own theme based on a popular framework. We developed it over a few weekends, and it feels like our web presence finally broke out of the “site under construction” or “coming soon” to a fully-fledged product that we can share with the world.

We’ve recently received some great attention to our Downtown NYC loft project, which has been blogged about around the web and included in some print magazines. This version of the website has been in the making for quite some time and we are truly pleased to announce its release.

Thomas Scibilia

Thomas Scibilia

Thomas is a registered architect bringing 15+ yrs. of experience to Design42. He's developed a well-rounded understanding of architectural practice, codes, zoning, technology, & construction methods.
New Jersey


Design42 is a full-service architecture firm specializing in health and fitness design, commercial, and residential architecture. Licensed in 12+ states, AIA & LEED Certified.
321 W44 St. #801, New York, NY 10036